2021 11 09
On the buses and trolleybuses of Vilnius, passengers can transport their pet/animal in a special animal-dedicated container (e.g. a box, a basket, etc.) free of charge. If it is a larger animal, which does not fit in any container, can be transported without a container.
The passenger must have documents indicating the pet’s vaccination history. Pet also must wear a muzzle, unless it belongs to a breed unsuitable for muzzles, and be kept on a leash no longer than 0,5 metres. These requirements are specified in the Regulations of Transport of Passengers and Luggage on Buses and Trolleybuses in Vilnius City.
Please note that if an animal soils the interior of a bus or a trolleybus, the passenger carrying the animal must immediately clean the soiled/dirtied area. Additionally, the passenger is responsible for any harm caused by the animal to the health, property, safety, and peace of other passengers. The passenger should also follow the approved Regulations of Animal Handling in the territory of Vilnius City Municipality.