The system of devices for the detection of road traffic violations is a disciplinary measure against drivers who commit violations. Three types of violations of Road Traffic Rules are detected: speeding, driving through a prohibitory traffic light, and using a traffic lane reserved for public transport while unauthorised to do so.
The main purpose of the system for detection of road traffic violations is the reduction of accident rate in Vilnius City. The simple operating principle of the system reduces the numbers of violators who are speeding or ignoring the traffic lights, and simultaneously decreases the numbers of accidents and people who are injured or die in them.
Furthermore, this system is beneficial for maintaining order of traffic in general and ensuring that public transport has priority in the special traffic lanes.
The operating principle of devices dedicated to the detection of road traffic violations: detect (take photos of) the vehicle committing the violation (speeding, driving through a prohibitory traffic light, or using a traffic lane reserved for public transport while unauthorised to do so). The registration number of the vehicle and the face of the driver are clearly visible in the photo. The data is transmitted from the stationary violation detection devices to the computer system in the Traffic Management Office of Vilnius City Chief Police Commissariat. The entire system is protected from information loss or any unauthorised connections.