Road traffic rules
Road traffic rules:
55. Only persons who are at least 14 years old can ride a bicycle on the carriageway, and at least 12 years old persons having completed the training course set by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania and holding the school issued certificate. Persons who are at least 8 years old can ride a bicycle on the carriageway under the supervision of adults. There is no age limit for bicycle riders in the residential area.
56. A bicycle rider is allowed to ride on the road only a bicycle with a technically sound break and audible signal. There must be a red-light reflector or a red light on the back of the bicycle, and on both sides – orange reflectors mounted on wheel spokes. When driving on the carriageway, a bicycle rider must wear a bright-coloured vest with light reflecting elements, or there must be a white illuminated headlamp on the front of the bicycle, and a red-light lamp at the back. When driving on the road at night or in conditions of poor visibility, there must be a white illuminated headlamp on the front of the bicycle and a red light lamp at the back, a bicycle rider must wear a bright-coloured vest with light reflecting elements. When driving (being carried) on the road, a bicycle rider (passenger) under 18 years of age must wear a fastened cyclist’s helmet. A person over 18 years of age who rides a bicycle on the road is recommended to wear a fastened cyclist’s helmet.
57. Riding a bicycle is only allowed on cycle paths, pedestrian and cycle paths, or on cycle lanes, and in places where they are absent – on a roadside that is appropriate for that purpose (with asphalt or concrete pavement). When there is no cycle path, pedestrian and cycle path on the road, or there is no cycle lane on the right side of the road, also in cases when riding on them is not possible (potholed or similar), riding is allowed on a sidewalk or on one lane of a carriageway on the far right traffic lane, except as provided in Clause 106 of the Rules, also when it comes to passing an obstacle, to ride straight, when turning only to the right side is allowed from the first traffic lane. When riding on a roadside, pedestrian and cycle path, sidewalk, a bicycle rider must stop for pedestrians, must not disturb or endanger them, and riding a bicycle at a very close distance from a passenger is allowed at a speed that is close to the speed of pedestrian movement (3–7 km/h) leaving such gap from the side that guarantees safe traffic.
58. A bicycle rider who rides a bike on a carriageway is advised, whenever there is a need to turn to the left, to turn around or to cross to the other side of the road, to get off the bicycle and to cross the carriageway on foot with a bicycle led by oneself, if the traffic conditions require so.
59. When approaching the point where the carriageway has to be crossed, in all cases a bicycle rider must reduce the speed and may continue moving only after making sure that it is safe to ride and that he will not interfere with other road users.
60. Before crossing a carriageway where traffic is not regulated, a bicycle rider must stop for the vehicles that run on a carriageway, except when crossing exits from territories that are adjacent to the road, from a living area, yard, parking lot, when crossing a carriageway to which other drivers are turning.
61. A bicycle rider is allowed to ride on a cycle lane or on a roadside only in the same direction as of traffic of other vehicles in the adjacent traffic lane.
62. A bicycle rider must ride a bicycle on a cycle path or lane as close as possible to the right edge of the path or lane. If a part of a path (sidewalk) for bicycle traffic is marked horizontally (a symbol of bicycle) on a pedestrian and cycle path or on a sidewalk, a bicycle rider must ride only on that part and as closer as possible to its right edge.
63. In places where traffic is regulated by traffic lights, bicycle riders must abide by a traffic lights with a symbol of bicycle, and, in the absence thereof, by signals of traffic lights for transport.
64. Bicycle riders are prohibited:
64.1. to ride a bicycle on a carriageway if cycle paths are equipped, except as provided in the Rules;
64.2. to ride a bicycle on motorways and express roads;
64.3. to ride a bicycle without holding at least one hand on the steering wheel;
64.4. to carry passengers if no special seats are equipped;
64.5. to carry, tow or push loads which obstruct driving or endanger other road users;
64.6. to be towed by other vehicles;
64.7. to tow vehicles other than trailers designed for that purpose;
64.8. to ride a bicycle when grabbed hold of other vehicles
64.9. to cross a carriageway when riding a bicycle on pedestrian crossings.
65. An organized group of cyclists can ride on a carriageway.
66. The requirements set out in the Rules for bicycle riders are also mandatory for motorcycle riders.
106. Before turning to the right, left or turning around (except for a turn to a roundabout) a rider must in advance get at the closest possible distance to a relevant edge of a carriageway intended to drive in that direction. This requirement may be substituted by traffic signs and/or horizontal markings