Special prices of public transport tickets for companies / institutions
In 2016–2019, about 900 different companies / institutions purchased public transport tickets for their employees.
Purpose? To encourage employees to use long-term tickets in order to facilitate their travel planning, address parking problems and change travel habits.
- A way to motivate employees.
- Reduce the need for expensive parking spaces near the office.
- Social responsibility.
- When travelling safely by public transport, your employee plans his/her time better, experiences less stress and saves on transport costs.
Target audience?Persons working in the company who could reach work by public transport.
How? To purchase 50 and more long-term tickets (30, 90, 180, 365 days) or tickets for working days.
Interested? Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]

Would you like to become a company whose employees travel in a sustainable way? Let's cooperate!
The purpose of cooperation is to promote sustainable mobility in Vilnius. We seek to consider the needs and comments of companies working in the city, acquaint people working in the capital of Lithuania with the current traffic system, look for solutions which would ease or shorten trips to and from work and find new ways of travelling. Projects organised and implemented by us:
- Survey on everyday travelling habits. Presentation of the results and discussion “Gatvių dieta” (Diet of Streets)
- Public transport tickets for employees
- Take care of your employees who are going to work by car
- Public transport display board in your company
- “Verslas juda. Idėjų mugė 2021” (Business is Moving. Fair of Ideas 2021)
Survey on everyday travelling habits in your company
Purpose? In order to make a better use of the existing and plan a new infrastructure in the city of Vilnius and near your company, we examine and give a presentation on how your employees travel.
Benefit? After the survey, we make the analysis, provide and present insights to you. We compare the results obtained with the general situation in the capital of Lithuania. We introduce the best practices in how other organisations in the city encourage their employees to travel using alternative means of travel. We give a presentation on the results of the survey to the employees of the company and discuss the changes that support sustainable mobility in Vilnius (“Diet of Streets”). We discuss how the city and business move around, what useful changes await us and how Vilnius could become more comfortable for all of us. We can also have a meeting online.
Target audience? Companies, business centres and educational institutions located in the city of Vilnius.
How? Online questionnaire (takes about 5 minutes). Presentation of study results and discussion “Diet of Streets” last for 60–90 minutes.
Interested? Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]

Take care of your employees who go to work by car
Purpose? To encourage employees who go to work by car to leave their cars in the “Park and Ride” parking lots and use public transport in order to reach their workplace or go to the meetings during the daytime.
Benefit? A ticket costing only EUR 0.50 will allow a ticket holder to travel all day by public transport. This is also an opportunity to reduce the need for expensive parking spaces near the office.
Target audience? Employees of companies, business centres, medical and educational institutions located in the central part of the city, who go to work by car.
How? A list with car plate numbers of the employees is drafted and the company receives one invoice for all actual visits of the employees at “Park and Ride” parking lots.
Interested? Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]
If you have questions related to other parking services, please contact us by e-mail [email protected]
Public transport display board in your company
Purpose? Useful functionality for your employees or customers travelling by public transport.
Benefit? Employees and customers of the company can more accurately plan when to leave the institution, as the screens broadcast public transport routes and departure times.
Target audience? Companies, business centres, medical and educational institutions (when a public transport stop locates nearby).
How? There is a possibility to broadcast the nearest bus and trolleybus departures of your selected stops in the display boards equipped in your company or institution (e.g. at the entrance / exit).
Interested? Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]

“Verslas juda. Idėjų mugė” (Business is Moving. Fair of Ideas)
Purpose? To invite up to 100 business representatives responsible for promoting their employees and travel habits to the free event to share the most successful examples and discuss how the habits of Vilnius residents have changed in recent years.
Benefit? To apply the best ideas in your company and share the already proven ones with others.
Target audience? Managers of companies, heads of economic and personnel departments, other responsible persons.
How? The event takes place at the end of each year. If you wish to get an invitation to “Business is Moving. Fair of Ideas”, please register by e-mail.
Interested? Contact us by e-mail at [email protected]

Benefit for the company
Productivity. A reliable and safe trip reduces the daily stress of your employees. Employees become more efficient.
Safety. Reducing the driving time of a private or working car significantly reduces the risk of employees being involved in the car accident.
Company image. Compensation for trips by public transport used by employees improves the image and attractiveness of the company.

Benefit for the city
Less transport. The more residents of Vilnius choose public transport, the more favourable traffic conditions in Vilnius will be for everyone.
Innovation. The increased number of passengers in public transport makes it possible to implement environmentally friendly and more convenient types or modes of travel.
Environment. Air pollution and noise are reduced in the city when sustainable travel methods are chosen.

Benefit for humans
Economic. When using a car in a family, transport takes about 15% of the budget, and if not used – about 3%.
Time planning. You can plan your trip by public transport more accurately and reliably. Travel time by car at peak times can double.
Practical. During the trip, you can read, plan your days, watch videos instead of focusing on driving your own car.
Frequenlty asked questions
2019 metais apklausoje dalyvavo 3914 respondentų.
Remiantis apklausos rezultatais buvo nustatyta, kad 44% įmonės darbuotojų į darbą keliauja automobiliais, viešuoju transportu – 33%, pėsčiomis – 7%, automobiliu kaip keleivis – 6%, dviračiu ir kombinuotos kelionės – po 3%, autonuoma (car-sharing) ir paspirtuku po – 1%.
Pusė (49%) automobiliais į darbą keliaujančių darbuotojų neveža keleivių ir neturi tarpinių sustojimų.
51% darbuotojų, kurie įprastai į darbą keliauja ne automobiliais, savo automobilio neturi.
Darbuotojai buvo paklausti kokios yra mėnesinės išlaidas reikalingos susisiekimo mieste (ne tik kelionėms į darbą) poreikiui tenkinti. Su automobiliais į darbą keliaujantys darbuotojai vidutiniškai per mėnesį išleidžia 116 Eur, viešuoju transportu 49 Eur, dviračiu – 44 Eur ir keliaujantys pėsčiomis 42 Eur.
Po 37% darbuotojų darbą pradeda 8:00, 24% – 9:00 val., 11% – 7:00 val. ir po 7% – 7:30 val. ir 8:30 val.
22% respondentų nurodė, kad kelionių į darbą metu jie turi tarpinių sustojimų (vaikų nuvežimas į švietimo įstaigas ar pan.)
Vidutiniškai įmonės darbuotojas į darbą keliauja 29,6 min. Greičiausia darbą pasiekia paspirtuku į darbą keliaujantys darbuotojai (19 min.). Dviračiu ir pėsčiomis keliaujantiems kelionės vidutiniškai trunka po 20 min., carsharing sistema – 26 min., automobiliais 28 min. ir viešuoju transportu 35 min.
8:00 valandą darbą pradedantys darbuotojai darbą vidutiniškai pasiekia per 32 min., 8:30 val. – 30 min., 9:00 val. – 30 min., 7:30 val. – 28 min. ir 7:00 val. per 26 min.
25% apklausoje dalyvavusių darbuotojų nurodė, kad per paskutinius 6 mėn. sumažėjo asmeninio automobilio poreikis.

Viešojo transporto bilietai darbuotojų kelionės darbo reikalais ir kelionėms į / iš darbo nėra laikomos pajamomis natūra, bei nėra apmokestinami Sodros ir GPM mokesčiais. Daugiau informacijos rasite čia (Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinio socialinio draudimo įstatymo Nr. I-1336 6, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 19, 19-1, 21, 29, 30, 32, 36, 40 ir 41 straipsnių pakeitimo įstatymas, 3 straipsnis,11 straipsnio pakeitimas, 1 dalies, 27 punktas).
Dažna įmonė darbuotojams suteikia brangiai kainuojančią parkavimo vietą, o apie į darbą darniai viešuoju transportu vykstančius darbuotojus nepagalvoja. Kviečiame prisijungti prie socialiai atsakingų įmonių ir kompensuoti darbuotojams viešojo transporto bilietus ne tik taip jau į darbą keliaujantiems, bet pristatyti darnaus judumo idėją ir automobiliu į darbą judantiems.
Viešojo transporto bilietus su mažesne kaina gali įsigyti bet kuri įmonė, perkanti ne mažiau nei 50 vienodų ilgalaikių viešojo transporto bilietų. Darbuotojų skaičius įmonėje įtakos kainai neturi.