
Where to buy and top up JUDU / Vilniečio (Vilnius resident) card

At the „Maxima“ and „RIMI”supermarkets

At the “Narvesen” and “Lietuvos Spauda” selling locations


🟢 If you are buying a JUDU/Vilniečio (Vilnius resident) card and are eligible for a discount on public transport tickets, inform the seller of your discount. The discount will be applied automatically for your future ticket purchases.

🟢 When you purchase the JUDU/Vilniečio (Vilnius resident) card , you will receive a card description. Please read it carefully. On the last page of the description, write down the card number, which is located next to the barcode. Save the Vilnius Resident/JUDU Card number because you will need it in case the card is lost.

🟢 Topping up your card works as usual. At the ticket-selling location, give a JUDU/Vilniečio (Vilnius resident) card to the seller and specify what ticket type you would like to top up your card with. 

🟢 If your trip requires both 30-minute and 60-minute tickets, you can top up the card with the desired amount of short-term tickets and in the vehicle choose which ticket you want to activate. Both 30-minute and 60-minute tickets can also be purchased via the “m.Ticket” app.

🟢 Always carry a JUDU/Vilniečio (Vilnius resident) card with an activated/valid electronic ticket when traveling on public transport. If you use a ticket with a discount, you must also carry a document confirming your right to the discount. Tickets start to work when the JUDU/Vilnius Resident card is touched to the composter in the vehicle.

🟢 If you lost your JUDU/Vilniečio (Vilnius resident) card or if it’s broken, damaged, or not functioning, please contact a Customer Service Center.

Paper ticket from the driver

If you travel by public transport not so often, you may find it convenient to purchase a paper ticket from the driver.
Single-use paper ticket prices: 1 Eur, 0.50 Eur (with 50% discount), 0.20 Eur (with 80% discount).

The purchased ticket must be activated using the validation machine by scanning the QR code on the ticket. The paper ticket is valid until the final stop of the route and does not permit transfers to other vehicles.
Click HERE to learn how to activate a paper ticket.
